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Hi! I started making this page in November 2016 because I have a lot of experience in C++ and other object oriented programming languages, but not so much web design experience under my belt. Most of my programmer friends are web dev ninjas, and I wanted to show that I can hang. It's an ego thing. While my intention for this site is to showcase some of my technical skills, I will gladly throw myself into any hobby that results in some kind of finished product. As such I have some of my art projects (I have a BFA in visual art in addition to my more recent computer science degree) and other works up here.

If you are chiefly interested in my programming experience, I invite you to check out my github repository. You can find the link under "external links" in the top navigation banner.


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This site is currently a work in progress, and right now mostly serves as a technical demo. Right now I am strongly leaning towards using a more sophisticated framework for this, either Node.js or Laravel, which means migrating to a new host (GitHub only supports static websites). So I am spending more time on learning new skills than developing this site these days.